Ulf Berglund says:

In the best case, photography comes from within oneself: A unique feeling that is transferred to a photograph and gives it a state of mind. A street photographer can detect conditions of cities that suits his or her own temperament whether it is a loneliness or perhaps a rootlessness.

Per Munther has traveled frenetically in his job as an engineer around the world, lived in foreign cities and been far away from friends and family for long periods of time. His photography, I think mostly reflects his own journey in life. A sharp eye with an appetite for discovery. Per cautiously approaches his object a little shyly perhaps. He is far from an attacking street photographer, far from someone like Bruce Gilden. Per is more a respectful and a little distant sort of street photographer, more like someone like Alex Webb.

I have known Per for over 30 years and he has always been interested in photography, but unlike me, he went on with his technical studies and eventually ended up in Canada, where he received his doctorate. As Per traveled for long periods all over the world for business, photography became a valve to get away from his job. As a thinker and a philosopher, he is pretty much a loner who walks long distances. I can almost see in his pictures what he thinks about: An outsider in a culture where he is not included but wants to reach out and understand. I think most of his pictures are made that way.

A small camera, a rangefinder Leica, or similar with a 35mm lens becomes the tool for capturing the moments. The visual language is often graphic and also a bit distant and observant. Often with some small detail of the image, not always immediately noticeable, that lifts it. One may view the images a while before one can see the small details that lifts them. This is good as it makes one come into the pictures more and they can be seen over and over again. The images become a series that need each other to tell the whole story or the condition and mindset of the photographer.

Ulf Berglund, Professional Photographer


Stockholm, November 2014